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Most of the content on the sites below is only provided in German. Please switch to our German site to have a look.

Knowledge Transfer

We understand the transfer of knowledge and information regarding Digital Urban Twins as one of our central project tasks. Therefore, we would like to share our project expertise with all interested parties one the following pages. As the project progresses, this area will grow - so it will be worthwhile to check back regularly. Right now, you have access to the public CUT Academy where we provide webinars. You can also find contact details for networking and exchange requests.

CUT Academy

With our experience, we want to show new ways in digital urban development. In the CUT Academy we share our project knowledge with you.

Welcome to Our CUT Academy


Every three months, we exchange expert knowledge and discuss various topics together with external guests: The online event series strg+c[ut] is aimed at all those who would like to deal more intensively with the topics of urban data platforms and digital twins.

Welcome to strg+c[ut] (German Site)


From A to Z: In our glossary, we explain the most important terms related to urban data and digital twins.

Have a Look at Our Glossary (German Site)

For Interested Cities

Active transfer of knowledge within the project and the replication beyond its perceived boundaries are key components of the cooperative project and are typical of its model character: In the CUT project, solutions are created that reach beyond the perspectives of any individual city, and thus can yield new ways of doing things to other cities and municipalities in Germany.

For Interested Cities (German Site)


On this page you can find and download all the material as well as our freely available project results from the CUT project. We look forward to the further use of our project results!

Downloads (German Site)

Your Contact Persons

Project Lead

Dr. Nora Reinecke

Overall Project Lead and Project Lead Hamburg, Senate Chancellery of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Mirko Mühlpfort

Project Lead Leipzig, Digital City Unit of the City of Leipzig
Felix Hörmann

Project Lead Munich, Department of City Planning and Building Regulation of the City of Munich

Replication and Knowledge Transfer

Dr. Christoph Schubert

Sub-Project Manager “Replication and Knowledge Transfer,” Digital City Unit of the City of Leipzig
Martin Niggemann

Sub-Project Manager “Replication and Knowledge Transfer,” CityScienceLab of the HafenCity University Hamburg
Anais Wiedenhöfer

“Replication and Knowledge Transfer,” Department of City Planning and Building Regulation of the City of Munich

Public Relations

Marina Brink

Public Relations, Senate Chancellery of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
The Partner Cities
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