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What is Meant by the Term “Participation”? – Definition and Understanding in the Project Context


This lecture presents and defines the term “participation” as it is used throughout the project.


Was verstehen wir unter Beteiligung? - Definition und Verständnis im Projektkontext

Präsentation zur CUT-Akademie am 27.01.2022


Vergleichsmatrix getesteter Beteiligungstools (Digitale Pinnwand)

Das Board bietet eine digitale Übersicht zu Werkzeugen und Methoden, die sich für den Einsatz in informellen (digitalen) Beteiligungsprozessen eignen und im Rahmen des Projekts Connected Urban Twins von den drei Partnerstädten Hamburg, München und Leipzig getestet wurden.

The Key Learnings

Involvement of Citizens

Participation refers to the involvement and co-decision-making of citizens on specific topics, ranging from information to cooperative forms.

Steps of Participation

Participation can be divided into the following steps:
1. Information,
2. Consultation,
3. Cooperation and Co-Determination.
They illustrate the full extent of the influence that individuals can exert.

Formal and Informal Procedures

There are two procedural forms of participation. Formal participation is based on a legal provision with clearly defined regulations, whereas informal participation is a voluntary instrument that can be used prior to formal participation.

Three Methods of Implementing Participation

Digital participation is facilitated by technical devices and typically entails active involvement through digital and internet-based processes. In contrast, analog participation refers to participation in person. The third form is hybrid participation, which is a combination of analog and digital participation.


Heike Gebhardt

“Participation of the Urban Community,“ Digital City Unit of the City of Leipzig
The Partner Cities
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