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VR Technology for Simulators – Investigations Into Active Mobility and Vulnerable Road Users in Urban Areas


To what extent can citizens be involved in a participatory planning process through the use of VR/MR/AR applications?
Virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality can be used to bring urban planning to life at an early stage. In light of this, we will present various demonstrators and simulators developed as prototypes in this webinar.


„Ansichtssache“: Stadtentwicklung mithilfe von VR-Anwendung im Rahmen von Smart City-Vorhaben

Der Beitrag ist für die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung im Band "Mehrwerte durch immersive Technologien" erschienen und diskutiert die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, aber auch die Hindernisse bei der Anwendung von VR im Connected-Urban-Twins Projekt (CUT).


Virtual Reality App - Prototyp

Dies ist ein Unreal-Engine-4-basierter Virtual-Reality-Prototyp eines digitalen Zwillings, der verschiedene Showcases demonstriert.

The Key Learnings

Simulations for Vulnerable Road Users

The Technical University of Munich is developing and utilizing a variety of simulators, including those for bicycles, cargo bikes, and wheelchair users, to study the interaction and safety of vulnerable road users.

VR Simulates Traffic Scenarios

Virtual reality is used to simulate realistic traffic scenarios. These include bottlenecks on cycle paths or roadworks that affect cycle traffic, as well as kerbs for wheelchair users.

Usage of VR Goggles and Gloves

To enhance the realism of the experience and capture precise movement data, high-resolution VR goggles and special gloves are utilized.

What Happens in the Future?

In the future, eye and hand tracking will be integrated to provide a more comprehensive understanding of driving behavior.

Caution When Using

The use of simulators with different test subjects revealed that TV screens are a preferable option to VR glasses for longer journeys, as this helps to avoid simulator sickness.


Andreas Keler

“Transformative and Experimental Urban Research,“ Technical University of Munich
The Partner Cities
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