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Tracking and Using Data – The Use Case of the “District Development Tool” in Munich


Andreas Schlagbauer will provide an overview of the latest advancements in the Munich District Development Tool. A key component of the use case is the neighborhood analysis. It provides specialist users, such as urban developers and planners, direct access to the information they need to develop a Munich neighborhood. The tool draws on numerous specialized data sets that were not previously available within the Urban Digital Twin. The webinar will provide a detailed exploration of the data integration process in the context of use case development.


Daten aufspüren und nutzen - Datenanalyse mit Hilfe des Quartierentwicklungstool

Präsentation zur CUT-Akademie am 27.06.2024

The Key Learnings

Rapid Implementation of an MVP or Prototype

Rapid implementation of an MVP or prototype helps to create interest among future users and thus to sharpen and concretize further requirements.

Leave Room for Development

It is essential to prioritize the core requirements and to consider and plan for additional development options in advance.

Build on the Existing

Leveraging the existing technical and specialist infrastructure can generate significant added value and potential synergies.

Promote Cultural Change and Break Down Data Silos

One use case is a good way to effectively evaluate the data management of specialist units and showcase the advantages of minimizing data silos.


Andreas Schlagbauer

“Innovative Use Cases in Urban Development,” City of Munich
The Partner Cities
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