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Participation by Leipzig’s City Administration With QuestorPro – Background, Process, and Initital Findings


“Leipzig weiter denken” and the Digital City Unit of the City of Leipzig are jointly conducting an online survey of Leipzig’s City Administration. The survey focuses on digital participation and is being administered with the QuestorPro basic service. This video is intended to provide insight into the process, background, and lessons learned from the program.


Vergleichsmatrix getesteter Beteiligungstools (Digitale Pinnwand)

Das Board bietet eine digitale Übersicht zu Werkzeugen und Methoden, die sich für den Einsatz in informellen (digitalen) Beteiligungsprozessen eignen und im Rahmen des Projekts Connected Urban Twins von den drei Partnerstädten Hamburg, München und Leipzig getestet wurden.

The Key Learnings

Online Survey on the Topic of “Digital Participation”

“Leipzig weiter denken” and the Digital City Unit of the City of Leipzig jointly conducted an online survey of Leipzig’s City Administration on the topic of “Digital Participation.”

Survey With the Help of QuestorPro

The design of the questionnaire, the survey itself, and the evaluation of the results were carried out as a cross-office collaboration, using the QuestorPro software provided by the Office for Statistics and Elections.

Capture the Status Quo

The objective was to document the current state of (informal) digital participation in the city administration since 2015.


More Information (German Site)

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Heike Gebhardt

“Participation of the Urban Community,“ Digital City Unit of the City of Leipzig
The Partner Cities
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