The webinar will present the latest research findings on complexity and model theories.
The second part of the webinar will present ideas on how these findings can be applied to Urban Digital Twins.
Guide to Model Land: A Guide to Ethical Questions for Modeling and Simulation in Urban Digital Twins
This "Guide to Model Land" is intended to be a practical guide to ethical issues concerning digital simulation models. It is divided into three sections: Entering Model Land, Navigating Model Land and Exiting Model Land. It was created based on extensive literature research and offers guidelines as well as references to further relevant literature.
Ethische Grundlagen für Modellierung und Simulation
Dieser „Guide to Model Land“ wurde als Teil der transformativen experimentellen Forschung im Projekt „Connected Urban Twins“ am City Science Lab der HafenCity Universität Hamburg erstellt und beruht auf umfassenden theoretischen und praktischen Erfahrungen im Bereich Modellierung, Simulation, KI und Machine Learning.