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Urban Development With Perspective – The 3D Project Planner


Helen Winter will present an introduction to the 3D Project Planner use case, which was developed in Hamburg. In addition to a comprehensive exploration of the numerous application examples, the technical implementation and the requirements for subsequent use will also be discussed.


Stadtentwicklung mit Perspektive – Der 3DProjektplaner

Präsentation zur CUT-Akademie am 28.02.2024


3DProjektplaner - Anwendungsfallbeschreibung

Dieses Dokument dient der fachlichen und konzeptionellen Beschreibung des Anwendungsfalls "3DProjektplaner".


3DProjektplaner - Handbuch

Das Handbuch zum Fachportal 3DProjektplaner zur digitalen Visualisierung und Analyse von Bauvorhaben beschreibt Nutzer:innen die grundlegende Funktionsweise des in Hamburg bereitgestellten Portals.


3DProjektplaner (Masterportal AddOn)

Bei diesem Add-On handelt es sich um die Entwicklung einer 3D Toolbox für das Masterportal mit den Funktionen 3D Importer, 3D Draw, Sichtanalysen und Abrisssimulation.


Das Masterportal auf Open CoDE


Repository Masterportal

The Key Learnings

Use What Is Already Available

Building on the existing ecosystem creates synergies and added value. It also facilitates simple subsequent and further use.

Keep it Simple

While CUT use cases cannot substitute for complex GIS or CAD, they do enable us to address specific urban development inquiries independently of hardware and licensing considerations.

Open Interfaces and Open Data Formats

Open interfaces and data formats facilitate the exchange of information and can speed up processes.

Rapid Prototyping

Fast, prototypical implementation creates interest among users and increases motivation to contribute feedback and expertise.

Promotion, Promotion, Promotion

Within your organization, it is imperative to promote and disseminate the new use cases so that they are utilized effectively. Consequently, the creation of numerous product presentations, encompassing informational materials, is neccessary.


Helen Winter

Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, “Stadtwerkstatt”, “Urban Workshop and Participation” of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
The Partner Cities
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