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Inner City – Thinking Forward! – Youth Participation in the Future of Munich’s City Center


As part of the public participation process for updating the action area concept for Munich’s city center, special workshops were offered for young people. Various digital tools were used to impart knowledge in a playful way and to identify the need for action.


Innenstadt weiterdenken! - Jugendbeteiligung zur Zukunft der Münchner Innenstadt

Präsentation zur CUT-Akademie am 25.05.2023


Vergleichsmatrix getesteter Beteiligungstools (Digitale Pinnwand)

Das Board bietet eine digitale Übersicht zu Werkzeugen und Methoden, die sich für den Einsatz in informellen (digitalen) Beteiligungsprozessen eignen und im Rahmen des Projekts Connected Urban Twins von den drei Partnerstädten Hamburg, München und Leipzig getestet wurden.

The Key Learnings

Keep an Eye on the Target Audience

The participation question must refer to the target group.

Use Cross-media

A cross-media toolset is essential for participation processes, particularly when working with young people.

Children and Young People for Cities!

The involvement of children and young people is of particular importance in urban development planning, as this group is most affected by the plans.


Anaïs Wiedenhöfer

“Replication and Knowledge Transfer,” Department of City Planning and Building Regulation of the City of Munich
The Partner Cities
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