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Fundamental – The Geo Base Twin and Its Significance for Urban Digital Twins


The Geo Base Twin serves as the fundamental spatial reference point for all Urban Digital Twins. It comprises the intelligent networking of area-related geobase information, as well as the methods for analyzing this data, thus assuming a broker functionality.


Fundamental - Der Geobasiszwilling und seine Bedeutung für Urbane Digitale Zwillinge

Präsentation zur CUT-Akademie am 29.03.2023


Urbane Digitale Zwillinge inkl. Geobasiszwilling

Dieser Fachbeitrag wurde in der Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (zfv), Ausgabe 1/2023, veröffentlich und bietet einen Überblick zur Erstellung eines Urbanen Digitalen Zwillings.

The Key Learnings

Not Without Geobase Information

The Geo Base Twin forms the foundation for Urban Digital Twins, offering a comprehensive view of urban reality through the integration of geobase information with geometrical and semantic links.

Bi-Directional Connections

The Geo Base Twin acts as a broker, facilitating communications between different specialist twins and ensuring that changes in the geobase data are reflected across the entire network. A bi-directional connection allows specialist twins to also return information to the Geo Base Twin.

A Wide Range of Application Examples

Examples such as the demographic twin and the construction project twin demonstrate how geobase information can be utilized in specific specialist areas to facilitate urban project planning and implementation.


More Information (German Site)

Der Zusammenhang zwischen Geobasisinformation, Geobasiszwilling und Urbaner Digitaler Zwilling:

Das Baukastensystem

Das Beispiel “Echtzeitdaten für Digitale Zwillinge”:

Ausbau der Sensordateninfrastruktur der Stadt Leipzig
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Mathias Boedecker

“Urban Data Platforms and Digital Twins,” Agency for Geoinformation and Land Use Planning​ / Geodatenservice of the City of Leipzig
Dr. Nicole Schubbe

“Urban Data Platforms and Digital Twins,” Agency for Geoinformation and Surveying of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
The Partner Cities
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