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Containerization – Virtual Software Environments for CUT


Containerization is becoming increasingly prevalent in the realm of software operations. Initially implemented with virtual machines, this approach gained significant traction with the adoption of Docker and has since evolved to become more detailed and efficient to manage with Kubernetes.What factors should be taken into consideration?What are the advantages of packaging software in containers and how can these benefits be applied to CUT?


Metadatenkatalog München

Die Helm Chart enthält alle Komponenten für die Installation des LHM-CKAN-Katalogs auf die Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. Der Metadatenkatalog München ist eine Erweiterung des SDDI-Katalogs. Der Quellcode ist sowohl im Repository der TUM als auch auf GitHub von LHM und verfügbar.

The Key Learnings

Prior to Containerization

Previously existing software environments lacked sufficient isolation of applications, resulting in cross-dependencies and hindering portability.

The Operation of Solely Required Applications

Container deployment allows organizations to streamline their software by running only the applications that are currently in use. This is achieved by encapsulating these applications within a container.

Organization Via a Platform

To deploy containers, a platform for organizing them is necessary. One such platform is Kubernetes, which can create or delete individual containers as needed.

Containerization Offers a Variety of Benefits

This results in efficient load distribution (scalability), a prompt response to load peaks (stability of the software), and the divisibility of systems to be described.

Paving the Way for Inter-municipal Cooperation?

The declarative configuration (based on configuration files) makes Container Deployment particularly suitable for inter-municipal collaboration.


Sebastian Schmitz

Coordination Post Data HUB, Agency for Geoinformation and Surveying of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
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