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Knowledge Transfer and Replication

The sub-project "Knowledge transfer and replication" is a cross-sectional task. It stands for the project-internal knowledge management and the processing of the project results as well as the cross-project knowledge transfer - especially with other cities.

Connected Urban Twins is about nothing less than designing livable, sustainable cities using digital tools such as Urban Data Platforms and Digital Twins. The three partner cities of Hamburg, Leipzig and Munich are working together to develop sustainable solutions that build on existing resources but can also be used by as many other cities as possible. During the project period from 2020 to 2025, ideas and expertise will be gathered from 70 experts, and this calls for a knowledge management system and structure.

In terms of expected outcomes, the sub-project’s work will help ensure that knowledge is shared not only within the project, but that it will also be made available to other German cities and municipalities, giving them the opportunity to use findings and results from the CUT project for their own urban planning needs. Our goal is therefore to find and collate the project knowledge and make it accessible to both project personnel and third parties – in other words, to help people “connect” with the knowledge.

Through our work, we intend to have gathered a pool of information by the end of the project, and to have prepared this information in formats tailored to facilitate access by specific target groups for their own further use. Our work is currently visible and pooled at the CUT Academy, where project findings will be made available in the form of publicly accessible webinars over the coming months.

Objectives of the Sub-project

  • Development of Internal Knowledge Management
    Recording, documentation and internal transfer of project knowledge
  • Knowledge Transfer
    Preparing and providing project knowledge in a form of information suitable for people taking an interest in the project.
  • Preparing for the Replication of Project Results
  • Setting Up Networks on the Topics of Urban Data Platforms and Digital Twins
Gesprächssituation mit mehreren stehenden Personen am Computer
© Angela Pfeiffer

CUT Academy

Using the CUT Academy as a forum, we will share the knowledge that will emerge over the course of our five-year project. The academy is currently used in the project as a means of sharing work statuses and findings amongst the five sub-project teams. Therefore, the academy section currently remains internal to the project and is password-protected, as the content is still being discussed and further developed. Planning is under way to open the CUT Academy to interested parties.

CUT Academy (Password-protected Area)

Overview of All Sub-projects:

Five Specialist Areas
The Partner Cities
Funded by